February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. It culminates with National Tooth Fairy Day on the 28th. In honor of the winged fairy who replaces children’s lost teeth with money under the pillow, here are seven tooth fairy books for little ones.
1. The Night Before the Tooth Fairy
Author: Natasha Wing
Illustrator: Barbara Johansen Newman
Ages: 4-8
This book follows the pattern of Clement C. Moore’s The Night Before Christmas as a young boy hopes his tooth will fall out very soon so he can meet the Tooth Fairy. Children will enjoy the familiar cadence as they follow along.
2. Dear Tooth Fairy
Author: Alan Durant
Illustrator: Vanessa Cabban
Ages: 4-8
The author of more than 40 children’s books based this story on a girl she met who had a collection of letters to the Tooth Fairy. Children will love the five real envelopes with the main character’s responses from the Tooth Fairy. There are several treats included, including a shiny fairy coin.
3. Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth
Author: Jane O’Connor
Illustrator: Robin Preiss Glasser
Ages: 4-8
When students lose their teeth during the school day, they are rewarded with a special tooth-holder necklace from the nurse. Little Nancy tries to find a way for her tooth to fall out so that she can get the necklace she covets.
4. The Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy
Author and Illustrator: Jan Berenstain and Stan Berenstain
Ages: 4-8
From the classic Berenstain Bears collection, The Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy centers around Sister Bear. After she loses a tooth, Sister Bear is upset that she only gets a quarter from the Tooth Fairy while best friend Lizzy gets more.
5. You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?
Author: Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
Illustrator: David Slonim
Ages: 4-8
The Tooth Fairy explains how she gathers teeth around the country, leaving coins in return. It’s her Tooth-o-Finder– a flying machine. Young readers will appreciate the answer to one of life’s biggest questions.
6. My Wobbly Tooth Must Never Fall Out
Author: Lauren Child
Ages: 3-7
Lola is nervous about losing her first tooth until she finds out about the Tooth Fairy. Unfortunately she can’t find the tooth when it’s time to put it under her pillow. Her brother Charlie saves the day when he suggests she dream about it.
7. Loose Tooth
Author: Lola M. Schaefer
Illustrator: Sylvie Wickstrom
Ages: 3–5
When a small boy’s tooth won’t come out, he tries everything he can think of to make it happen. This story will bring back memories for readers of all ages who once fought with a stubborn loose tooth.
Make sure to schedule your children’s dental visits in advance. They should see the dentist at least once every six months for a cleaning and checkup.
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